Shy, Antisocial, Introverted

I believe it’s possible to be all three at the same time, but I think it’s important to make the distinction among these traits. Personally, I’m a HUGE introvert – I prefer to direct my energy inward and recharge while being alone. But I’m not antisocial – I care deeply about people and need that human contact. Sometimes in certain situations, I may be shy, but other times I’m comfortable and confident.


26 thoughts on “Shy, Antisocial, Introverted

  1. This describes me too. People think I’m weird sometimes, but I’m okay with that. I too am a “serious” introvert and somewhat shy (although I’m finally getting over that to a great extent). I am not anti-social! I love being around people, just not all the time. I value my alone time — more and more all the time. Great post!


  2. great post and quite informative for those not in the know. I am mostly introverted. I was rather shy as a child and I can be antisocial at times but I love people and feeling connected. I just have preferences on how I its managed.


  3. I prefer being in my head too INFJoe…I used to think I was shy and am probably perceived as being anti-social, no matter, I am who I am 🙂


  4. Reblogged this on Komposisi Kehidupan Kennissa and commented:
    Anti-social is a psychological term for a personality disorder listed on DSM IV. It’s also known as sociopath. The sufferers are aggressive, destructive, and don’t care about social norms, not in a cute-introvert way. Amy Dunne in Gone Girl and Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal series are the example of sociopath. Are you sure you really want to describe yourself with this personality disorder? Don’t like people around you doesn’t mean you’re anti-social. You’re just tired. Stop using a word you don’t even understand. Glad INFJoe posted this so people could learn the distinction.


  5. Anti-social is a psychological term for a personality disorder listed on DSM IV. It’s also known as sociopath. The sufferers are aggressive, destructive, and don’t care about social norms, not in a cute-introvert way. Amy Dunne in Gone Girl and Hannibal Lecter in Hannibal series are the example of sociopath. Are you sure you really want to describe yourself with this personality disorder? Don’t like people around you doesn’t mean you’re anti-social. You’re just tired. Stop using a word you don’t even understand.

    Glad you posted this so people could learn the distinction.


    • Thanks for that comment. Yes, these terms should NOT be used interchangeably. Antisocial is not even just a little stanoffishness! I really felt compelled to make this cartoon. Glad you approve. Hope you are well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This great as always. I pretty much feel the same. I’m just too tired to suffer through the pleasantries sometimes. I still care but I don’t have the strength. 😕


  7. I wish there was a version of the test that would show whether a young child was merely shy or actually a budding introvert. My nephew has been stuck with the label of shy, but he really isn’t. I see in him the signs of an introvert, just like me, his uncle, his dad and his grandmother.


  8. Pingback: My Mission To Overcome Shyness — By Joining A Book Club – Arts + Culture

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